
Learn more about us

Our Beliefs

Statement of Faith

The New York Mid-Atlantic District of ALJC is a Christ-Centered Apostolic organization founded upon the infallible Word of God.

As such, we believe, teach and promote the Apostle’s doctrine, endeavoring to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love, mercy and compassion.

We believe in the Bible standard of full salvation, believing on the Lord through repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

We believe the Bible teaches that there is only one true, ever living, eternal God, who is infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, whose glory is forever as an absolute, invisible deity. The One true God has revealed Himself as Father, through His Son in redemption, and as the Holy Ghost, by emanation. This one true God manifested Himself in the Old Testament in various ways; in the Son while he walked among men; as the Holy Ghost after His ascension.

We believe in divine healing, miracles and modern day revelations of His continuing Glory and power, until the second coming of our Lord Jesus.

This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source of all that we believe.

Our Mission

To assist our N.Y. Mid-Atlantic District Apostolic Ministries in:

Helping Unbelievers to become Believers

Mentoring  Believers to become Disciples

Developing Disciples into Ministries

Building Ministries into Apostolic Churches

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
~Mark 16:15

Our Vision

We are a group of Ministers whose desire and Vision is to assist in building churches and ministries that embody the teachings of our Lord and Savior; both in alignment with His “Sermon on the Mount” and the teachings of the Apostles.

To help build churches and ministries that will be sanctuaries, shelters, safe havens; places where the hurting and sick will come and find healing, where the unloved find love, where the destitute and the needy find hope and refuge, where the Gospel is preached and where we as sinners find our eternal salvation.

To help build churches and ministries that are safeguarded with a biblical covering, by the Lord Jesus and His Word. And by other faithful leaders of this District and our National ALJC organization.

To help build churches and ministries that adhere to the teachings of the Apostles and their Doctrine as handed down to them by our Lord Jesus, presented to the church in the book of Acts and reinforced in the Epistles. Using these teachings to build a sure foundation that is constructed upon those of our Apostolic forefathers, whose authority and knowledge came directly from Jesus our Lord.

To help build churches and ministries where continual Biblical education is a priority. Where people can discover and experience the salvation message through personal evangelism, discipleship and home Bible studies. We also support the concept of learning and growing in Christ; through Retreats, Conferences, Christian Education, Group Studies, Ministerial and Leadership Training.

To help build churches and ministries that empower its believers through the operation of their gifts and talents in the body, and to encourage them in every level of growth.

To help build churches and ministries that are focused on praise, prayer worship with a true desire to enter into the presence of God.  A district which is to be associated with a sincere thanksgiving and praise, giving glory to God for the many signs and, miracles and healings that take place.

Finally, to help build churches and ministries that are dedicated to service within their communities in the spirit of helps, volunteerism, and in service to the needy.

Our Purpose

Our two part Purpose for this District is to focus on and incorporate into our ministries and lives these principle/commands that Jesus gave to His Church in the Gospels;

  • Love the Lord with all your heart
  • Love your neighbor as yourself
  • Preach the Gospel
  • Go and make Disciples
  • Teach My people
  • Heal the Sick

Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart…

Our First Purpose as Christian leaders in this District; is to glorify Jesus in all that we do; in our Communications, our Actions, our Lives and ultimately our Love of God; to encourage the desire in men and women to draw closer to God through the Gospel message as well as through our Christ centered programs.

Love thy Neighbor as thyself…

Our Second Purpose is to Communicate the Gospel to the lost through our selfless Actions, our Love “one for another” and in our everyday Lives. Yet not ending it there but by empowering and investing in each other through our many different gifts and talents; in Teaching, Mentoring, Discipling, Praying and Healing throughout the District and our Local Churches.